ADVI: Official Partner for EMBO Practical Course on Super-Resolution

ADVI is an official partner for the EMBO Practical Course on SUPER-RESOLUTION IN LIGHT MICROSCOPY, which took place from June 18th to June 23rd, 2023.

In addition to our partnership, ADVI was responsible for supplying mounting media and spacers for the preparation of microscopic samples for super-resolution microscopy techniques ranging from confocal microscopy to structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and STimulated Emission Depletion (STED). This collaboration underscores our commitment to supporting advances in the field of microscopy and our dedication to facilitating high-quality educational experiences.

Several High- and Super-resolution images you find here:

01 – High-resolution Confocal Microscopy Achieving ~140 nm Resolution: A Combination of Closed Pinhole and Adaptive Deconvolution, Demonstrated on a 2-Channel Sample Visualizing Nuclear Pores (TPR) and Nuclear Lamina (LamA/C), U2OS cells:

02 – Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) ~120 nm Resolution: 2-Channel Sample Visualizing Nuclear Pores (TPR) and Nuclear Lamina (LamA/C), U2OS cells.

03 – Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy ~60 nm Resolution (775 nm pulsed depletion laser, 60% 3D STED applied, followed with Huygens deconvolution usin STED option): 2-Channel Sample Visualizing Nuclear Pores (TPR) and Nuclear Lamina (LamA/C), U2OS cells.


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